
Designed especially for girls and women

It is my aim to deliver a practical and theoretical knowledge of common personal safety and self-defence.
Understanding is more than teaching Martial Arts techniques and striking back.
Each individual experience, physical or mental limit of my participants matters to me.
I am proud to support to the core - to listen, teach and empower !

About me

More than 30 years ago, I was creating my self-defence courses based on my many years of experience in various Martial Arts styles. 

I started teaching after experiencing an assault when I was 18 years old, being more than lucky to help and defend myself because of my Martial Arts background.

Looking back, I am very pleased that I have joined Judo and mainlyTae-Kwon-Do classes, when I was only 9 years old and started my training career at this early stage. Further developing my skills and techniques practising not only Wing-Tsun, Modern Arnis or even Ninjutsu over all those years . Gaining special know-how in advanced trainings in New York and proudly succeeding in German Championships and competitions.

Michaela Wagner  

WoSeDe -      Women`s Self-Defence

There are many self-defence classes all over the world, but often showing techniques from pure Martial Arts set patterns, which are barely applicable to daily life.
Therefore, I developed WoSeDe a specialised awareness training with easy but effective to use techniques.
What I provide


We are highly respected by the local community and public services in Germany and aim for the same in the UK . You are simply our focus.


A team of experts - 
we will provide you with the best in teaching and with our knowledge. Be assured that we will empower you and manifest your skills and sharpen your senses.


...matters to us!
We will provide trusted support of any kind. Do not hesitate to contact us.Together with a strong network of supporting helpgroups and organisations we are there for you.


9.968 total


1 England
 3 Germany


2 total
  2 Trainee


30 years

Meet the Team

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„Dear Michaela,
just a brief feedback: Your class and teaching was fantastic! Gudrun (65), one of the participants mentioned to me via email, that you have been a superb choice!"
N.von Levetzow, Equal Opportunity Officer, Borough of Neustadt OH, Germany
„Dear Michaela,
it is wonderful that we were now additionally offering a course for the girls at Ems Schule (primary school) in Rietberg.
So many girls can experience and enjoy such a positive excellent course. Once again, I am absolutely pleased with the outcome and success of your classes and your presentation/delivery. A big Thank you to you and your Co-Intstructress Nicole.“
A. Buhl, Equal Opportunity Officer, Borough of Rietberg, Germany
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